SHI Wenhai,HAI Jizhe,SHAN Chunlong,ZHANG Xiangzhe,YANG Qingwei,MA Xuehai.Effect of Na2B4O7 on Wear and Corrosion Resistance of Micro-arc Oxidation Coating on Titanium Alloy[J],53(24):88-98
Effect of Na2B4O7 on Wear and Corrosion Resistance of Micro-arc Oxidation Coating on Titanium Alloy
Received:December 18, 2023  Revised:February 21, 2024
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KeyWord:titanium alloy  additives  micro-arc oxidation  electrolyte  sodium tetraborate  wear resistance
SHI Wenhai College of Mechanical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi , China
HAI Jizhe College of Mechanical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi , China
SHAN Chunlong Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi , China
ZHANG Xiangzhe College of Mechanical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi , China
YANG Qingwei College of Mechanical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi , China
MA Xuehai Key Laboratory of Mental Development and Learning Science, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi , China
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      Micro-arc oxidation (MAO) technology is often used in the surface treatment of medical titanium alloys, giving them abrasion-resistant, corrosion-resistant, or osteogenic properties. The performance of the MAO coating is determined by a combination of factors, such as power supply mode, voltage/current size, electrolyte type, oxidation time, additives, etc. The composition of the electrolyte is one of the key factors affecting the structure and performance of the MAO coating. Sodium tetraborate is used as a single electrolyte for micro-arc oxidation, and due to its special discharge method, the coating often results in high corrosion resistance. However, when sodium tetraborate is used as an additive, it not only plays a discharge role, but also may react with the coating, and the effect of adding sodium tetraborate to different electrolytes is worth exploring. The work aims to improve the wear resistance and corrosion resistance of micro-arc oxidation coatings on titanium alloy and develop better composite electrolytes.