ZHANG Guo-tao,MA Liang-liang,TONG Bao-hong,LIANG Fang-ling,WANG Xiao-yi.Directional Flow Properties of Droplets on Inclined Cone Surfaces[J],52(12):428-439
Directional Flow Properties of Droplets on Inclined Cone Surfaces
Received:December 06, 2022  Revised:June 29, 2023
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KeyWord:inclined cone surface  droplet self-transport  surface energy  unbalanced capillary force  Taylor capillary  pinning force
ZHANG Guo-tao School of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Anhui Maanshan , China
MA Liang-liang School of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Anhui Maanshan , China
TONG Bao-hong School of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Anhui Maanshan , China
LIANG Fang-ling School of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Anhui Maanshan , China
WANG Xiao-yi School of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Anhui Maanshan , China
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      The directional flow characteristics of droplets on the inclined cone surface were studied to reveal the directional transport mechanism of droplets on the inclined cone surface. This article focuses on the motion behavior of droplets on the inclined cone surfaces. By using numerical simulation technology to extract droplet dynamics parameter data, the influence of different inclined cone structural parameters on droplet self-transport behavior were explored. The research found that the uneven distribution of fluid velocity within the liquid lead to the generation of velocity vortices within the droplet. Under the action of Taylor capillary rise, a main velocity vortex with a higher vorticity value was generated in the inclined cone gap, and a velocity secondary vortex with a lower vorticity value was generated inside the droplet. During the directional transport of droplets, the rotation direction of the main and secondary vortexes remained consistent with the transport direction of the droplet. And the self-transport process of the droplet was also accompanied by the mutual conversion of the surface energy and kinetic energy. During the expansion and contraction stages, the droplet underwent significant deformation, and the solid-liquid contact area first increased and then decreased. The surface energy of the droplet also increased and then decreased, but the movement speed of the droplet first decreased and then increased. During the stable transmission stage, the surface energy and velocity of the droplets remained basically unchanged. The Taylor capillary rising and the imbalanced capillary force in the inclined cone gap drove the liquid to continuously fill the inclined cone gap. The unbalanced pinning resistance of the droplet on the inclined conical surface made it easier for the left side of the droplet to separate, ensuring that the entire droplet was transported to the right side without damage. The liquid droplet was subjected to the combined action of unbalanced capillary force and Taylor capillary rise on the surface of the inclined cone, resulting in the formation of velocity vortexes inside the liquid, prompting the fluid to fill the wedge-shaped space between the inclined cones. The nailing force on the left and right sides of the droplet was different, and the left side of the droplet was more prone to detachment, which also ensured that the droplet moved to the right as a hemispherical whole. And the self-transport process of the droplet was accompanied by the mutual conversion of surface energy and kinetic energy. When the shape variation of the droplet was large, the solid-liquid contact area first increased and then decreased, and the surface energy of the droplet also increased and then decreased. However, the velocity of the droplet movement first decreased and then increased. When the deformation of the droplet reached a stable state, the surface energy and velocity of the droplet remained basically unchanged. This study provides theoretical support for revealing the flow characteristics and self-transport mechanism of liquid droplets on the inclined cone surface, and is used to guide the development of mechanical functional surfaces using the inclined cone structure as a biomimetic prototype.