HAO Chen-fan,MENG Jun-sheng,DING Hao,LI Qin-dong,CHEN Ming-xuan.Microstructure and Wear Resistance of AlxCoCrFeCuNi High Entropy Alloy Coating by Argon Arc Cladding[J],52(12):360-368
Microstructure and Wear Resistance of AlxCoCrFeCuNi High Entropy Alloy Coating by Argon Arc Cladding
Received:November 03, 2022  Revised:May 19, 2023
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KeyWord:high entropy alloy coating  argon arc cladding  AlCrFeCoCuNi  microstructure  wear resistance
HAO Chen-fan School of Naval Architecture and Port Engineering, Shandong Jiaotong University, Shandong Weihai , China
MENG Jun-sheng School of Naval Architecture and Port Engineering, Shandong Jiaotong University, Shandong Weihai , China
DING Hao School of Naval Architecture and Port Engineering, Shandong Jiaotong University, Shandong Weihai , China
LI Qin-dong School of Naval Architecture and Port Engineering, Shandong Jiaotong University, Shandong Weihai , China
CHEN Ming-xuan School of Naval Architecture and Port Engineering, Shandong Jiaotong University, Shandong Weihai , China
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      High entropy alloy coatings show great potential for improving the strength, hardness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance of the carbon-steel substrate. However, there are few comparative studies on the tribological properties of high entropy alloy coatings with different molarratios of Al. The work aims to prepare AlxCrFeCoCuNi highentropy alloy coating on the surface of 45 steel by argon arc cladding technology for the improvement of its wear resistance. The Al, Cr, Fe, Co, Cu and Ni powders were uniformly mixed by mechanical ball milling in argon shield and precoated on the surface of 45 steel. The high entropy alloy coatings with different Al molar ratios were prepared on the 45 steel surface with Al, Cr, Fe, Co, Cu, Ni mixed alloy powder by argon arc cladding technology. The phase structures and microstructures of the cladding coatings were detected by X-ray diffractometer, scanning electron microscope and energy spectrum analyzer. The microhardness of the coatings from the coating surface to the substrate was measured by microhardness tester. The friction coefficient and wear rate of the coatings were measured by ring-block friction and wear tester, and the wear resistance of the coatings were analyzed. The AlxCrFeCoCuNi high entropy alloy coating phase mainly included the FCC phase and the BCC phase.When the molar ratio of Al was less than 0.5, the coating was composed of FCC phase. When the molar ratio of Al was between 1.0 and 2.0, the coating was composed of BCC+FCC phase, and when the Al molar ratio was 2.5, only the BCC phase existed in the coating. The microstructure of AlxCrFeCoCuNi high entropy alloy coating was composed of equiaxed crystal, columnar crystal, white grain boundary and presented relatively dense structure. The AlxCrFeCoCuNi high entropy alloy coating has a high microhardness, and the increase of Al molar ratio increased the microhardness of the coating. When the Al molar ratio was 2.5, the coating microhardness was 710HV0.5. Under the same wear conditions, the friction coefficient and wear loss weight of AlxCrFeCoCuNi high entropy alloy coating were gradually reduced with the increase of Al molar ratio. The Al2.5CrFeCoCuNi high entropy alloy coating has the best tribological performance at room temperature with an average friction coefficient and wear loss of 0.35 and 4.2 mg, respectively. Compared with the 45steel substrate, the wear resistance of the Al2.5CrFeCoCuNi high entropy alloy coating is improved by 9 times. There are grooves, furrows and a small amount of debris on the wear surface of Al1.0-Al1.5 coatings. The wear mechanism is abrasive wear and slight adhesive wear. The wear surface of Al2.0-Al2.5 high entropy alloy coating is smooth, and the furrow is obviously shallow. That is because the coating has a strong resistance to deformation of BCC structure, which improves the wear resistance of the coating. During the friction process, the BCC phase can effectively prevent the micro convex from cutting into the coating, thus directly reducing the wear of the coating. The wear mechanism is typical abrasive wear of Al2.0-Al2.5 high entropy alloy coatings, and the coating exhibits excellent wear resistance.