ZHAO Xue-ni,YIN Qin-yue,ZHAO Zhen-yang,LIU Jia-hao,WANG Peng-yi,WANG Xian-xian.Preparation of Aluminum Coating on Steel Plate by Pressure-assisted Solid State Forming[J],52(6):296-306
Preparation of Aluminum Coating on Steel Plate by Pressure-assisted Solid State Forming
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KeyWord:aluminum coating  formability  pressure-assisted solid state forming  metallurgical bonding  static corrosion rate  corrosion resistance
ZHAO Xue-ni College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an , China
YIN Qin-yue College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an , China
ZHAO Zhen-yang College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an , China
LIU Jia-hao College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an , China
WANG Peng-yi College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an , China
WANG Xian-xian College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an , China
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      The work aims to prepare aluminum coating on Q235 steel plate by pressure-assisted solid state forming, which is an innovative coating preparation method, and can improve its corrosion resistance and formability without damaging the properties of the matrix material. The corrosion resistance and formability of aluminum coated Q235 (AlP/Q235) steel plate are studied. A Q235 steel plate and an aluminum foil were sanded and polished and then cleaned and dried. An aluminum foil with a thickness of 100 m and a Q235 steel with a thickness of 1 mm were stacked and pressed in a mold for 1 h. The pre-pressed aluminum foil and Q235 steel were sintered in a hot pressing sintering furnace under a vacuum of 10 MPa, a temperature of 630 ℃ and a pressure of 30 MPa. The surface morphology, cross-section morphology and element composition of the samples were observed and analyzed by super depth of field three-dimensional microscope, electron scanning microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). The phase structure of the coating was characterized by X-Ray diffraction (XRD). The formability and corrosion resistance of the aluminum coated Q235 steel plate were tested by three-point bending test, full immersion test and electrochemical test, and the corrosion protection mechanism of AlP/Q235 was clarified. The thickness of Fe-Al alloy layer was uniform and about 44 μm. The Fe-Al alloy layer was composed of "granular" FeAl3 phase layer and "serrated" Fe2Al5 phase layer. In the Al-Fe alloy layer, the Fe2Al5 phase accounted for the main component, and the FeAl3 phase accounted for only a small part of the intermetallic compound. The bending strength of AlP/Q235 was 255 MPa, which was 11.8% higher than that of Q235. The results of full immersion test showed that the static corrosion rate of AlP/Q235 was 0.21 mg/(dm.d), which was about 1/10 of Q235. The open circuit potential test results showed that the Eocp value of Q235 decreased from −0.5 V to −0.7 V. The Eocp of AlP/Q235 was stable at −0.725 V. An oxide film was formed on the surface of aluminum coating. The polarization test results showed that the self-corrosion current densities of Q235 and AlP/Q235 were 43.404 μA/cm2 and 1.583 μA/cm2 respectively. The polarization resistance was 642.3 Ω/cm2 and 5214.6 Ω/cm2 respectively. According to the fitted polarization curve, the self-corrosion potentials of Q235 and AlP/Q235 were −0.73 V and −0.64 V respectively. The corrosion resistance of AlP/Q235 was improved compared with that of Q235 steel. The corrosion process of AlP/Q235 included charge transfer and diffusion process. Based on the results of the above research, the corrosion protection mechanism of AlP/Q235 was elucidated. Aluminum coating mainly provided protection for low carbon steel through surface Al2O3 oxide layer, self-sealing of corrosion products, barrier of alloy layer and electrochemical protection of aluminum atoms. The metallurgical bonding and Fe-Al alloy layer with controllable thickness are obtained in the AlP/Q235 prepared by pressure-assisted solid state forming. The AlP/Q235 improves the formability and corrosion resistance and can be used in the structural parts of buildings, bridges, ships and automobiles in corrosive environments.