WANG Qiang,GAO Guo-qiang,LUO Xue-kun.Effect of Laser Shot Peening and Shot Peeing Compound Strengthening Process on Fatigue Life of 2124-T851 Aluminum Alloy[J],50(4):96-102
Effect of Laser Shot Peening and Shot Peeing Compound Strengthening Process on Fatigue Life of 2124-T851 Aluminum Alloy
Received:March 11, 2020  Revised:June 10, 2020
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KeyWord:laser shot peening  microhardness  residual stress  fatigue life
WANG Qiang AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Material, Beijing , China
GAO Guo-qiang AVIC Xi’an Aircraft Industry Group Company Ltd, Xi’an , China
LUO Xue-kun AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Material, Beijing , China
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      Effect of Laser shot peening (LSP)、shot peeing (SP) and compound strengthening (LSP+SP) process on fatigue life of 2124-T851 aluminum alloy were researched. The samples were laser shot peening with the pulse energy 6 J, pulse width 20 ns, spot diameter 2 mm and overlapping rate 50%, and were shot peeing with the ceramic shot f 0.3 mm, shot pressure 0.2 MPa and coverage more than 100%. Residual stress was test by X Ray diffraction. Meanwhile microhardness and four-point bending fatigue life were tested. The fatigue striation spacing was observed and measured by SEM, and the initiation and propagation life were obtained using schedule trapezium method. The results show that the value of near surface microhardness and residual stress on LSP+SP sample are similar with SP sample’s, the surface residual stress is about –260 MPa, the surface microhardness is about 178HV. On the other hand, the depth of residual compressive stress and strain-hardening field are as same as SP sample’s, which are about 3mm. Comparing with the unstrengthening samples, the average fatigue life of SP, LSP and LSP+SP sample increase by 214%, 217% and 312%. The increasing of initiation life results in the effect of strain-hardening induced by SP process. The deep residual compressive stress filed induced by LSP process increase the propagation life of LSP and LSP+SP samples. In conclusion, the LSP+SP compound strengthening process has the fatigue life-strengthen effect both the LSP and SP process.