JIAO Feng,LAN Shuai-ling,WANG Yi,ZHAO Bo.Residual Stress Characteristics and Parameters Optimization of Ultrasonic Rolling 12Cr2Ni4A Gear Steel[J],49(11):334-341
Residual Stress Characteristics and Parameters Optimization of Ultrasonic Rolling 12Cr2Ni4A Gear Steel
Received:December 18, 2019  Revised:October 23, 2020
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KeyWord:ultrasonic rolling  12Cr2Ni4A gear steel  residual stress  surface roughness  machining efficiency  parameters optimization
JIAO Feng School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo , China
LAN Shuai-ling School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo , China
WANG Yi School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo , China
ZHAO Bo School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo , China
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      The work aims to realize the high efficiency, low surface roughness and large residual compressive stress manufacturing. The finite element model for cylindrical ultrasonic rolling of 12Cr2Ni4A gear steel was established with ANSYS software. After the ultrasonic rolling was analyzed, the test platform was built according to the distribution laws of residual stress field to study the effect of processing parameters on residual stress of workpiece. Meanwhile, the finite model was confirmed. The prediction models of surface residual stress and surface roughness were established by the multiple nonlinear regression method. Based on the Hertz contact theory and indentation geometry, the theoretical model of cylindrical ultrasonic rolling was established. After ultrasonic rolling, the surface residual compressive stresses firstly increased and then decreased along the direction of rolling depth after. As the static forces increased, the peak of compressive residual moved from surface to substrate, the maximum residual compressive stress was −654 MPa, and the thickness of hardness layer was about 0.8 mm. The optimal parameters were obtained as F=315 N, vf=0.32 mm/min and n=269 r/min. The residual compressive stress increases linearly with the increase of static force, and decreases slightly with the increase of spindle speed and feed rate. The machining efficiency is further improved after optimization, and a good workpiece surface can be obtained.