YAN Xue-hui,ZHANG Yong.High-entropy Films and Compositional Gradient Materials[J],48(6):98-106
High-entropy Films and Compositional Gradient Materials
Received:July 24, 2018  Revised:June 20, 2019
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KeyWord:high-entropy-alloy films  sputtering  phase structure  mechanical properties  compositional gradient materials
YAN Xue-hui State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing , China
ZHANG Yong State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing , China
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      High-entropy-alloy films were discussed from composition design, preparation process, phase structure, mechanical performances, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, etc. The effects of process parameters such as nitrogen flow rate, substrate bias and substrate temperature on phase structure were analyzed. The mechanical properties improved with the increase of non-metal atom with small radius (C, B, N, etc.) which was explained from the solid-solution strengthening theory. The high-entropy-alloy films possessed excellent high temperature performance and corrosion resistance, and showed a good stability under extreme conditions such as high temperature and strong acid. Moreover, the composition of high-entropy material was complex and diversified. Parallel preparation of multi-component materials could be achieved through high-throughput preparation, providing a platform for high-throughput screening. Several technologies able to be used for high-throughput preparation of high-entropy materials were discussed.