YANG Zi-jian,FU Chuan-qi,WANG Zhou,GAO Yue,XIANG Yong-kuang.Effect of Cerium on Microstructure and Scale Inhibition Performance of Ni-Mo-P-PTFE Coating[J],48(2):89-93
Effect of Cerium on Microstructure and Scale Inhibition Performance of Ni-Mo-P-PTFE Coating
Received:October 09, 2018  Revised:February 20, 2019
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KeyWord:PTFE particles  rare earth cerium  cerium sulfate  Ni-Mo-P-PTFE composite coating  microstructure  scale in-hibition performance
YANG Zi-jian a.School of Physical Science and Technology, Dalian University, Dalian , China
FU Chuan-qi b.School of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University, Dalian , China
WANG Zhou a.School of Physical Science and Technology, Dalian University, Dalian , China
GAO Yue a.School of Physical Science and Technology, Dalian University, Dalian , China
XIANG Yong-kuang a.School of Physical Science and Technology, Dalian University, Dalian , China
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      The work aims to determine the concentration of rare earth cerium by adding rare earth cerium into the bath on the basis of electroless Ni-Mo-P-PTFE plating process when the deposition rate of Ni-Mo-P-PTFE coating is the maximum, the mi-crostructure is optimal, the PTFE content is the highest and the scale resistance is the best. Ni-Mo-P-PTFE composite coating was prepared, and different contents of rare earth cerium were added to the bath. The composition and structure of Ni-Mo-P-PTFE composite coating were characterized by metallographic microscope, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer, X-ray diffraction, electron microscope and electronic balance. The optimum process of rare earth cerium-induced co-deposition of Ni-Mo-P-PTFE composite coating was determined. The deposition rate of the composite coating increased first and then decreased with the addition of rare earth cerium concentration in the bath, and promoted the transformation of the coating from crystalline state to amorphous state. The content of PTFE increased obviously after rare earth cerium was added and increased first and then decreased. The fouling rate of the coating also decreased with the addition of cerium sulfate and then reached the lowest value of 0.656 g/m2 at 0.04 g/L, and the anti-fouling performance of the coating was the best. When the concentration of cerium sulfate is 0.04 g/L, the deposition rate reaches the maximum value of 28.214 μm/h, the volume fraction of PTFE particles reaches 40.43% and the best anti-fouling performance is obtained. For overall consideration, the best cerium concentration to prepare Ni-Mo-P-PTFE composite coating is 0.04 g/L.