ZHANG Cai-zhen,YANG Jian,WEI Lei,LI Yue-hui,LYU Jian-xun,CHEN Lin-hong.Shot-peened Residual Stress of Aeroengine Titanium Alloy Blades[J],45(4):208-212
Shot-peened Residual Stress of Aeroengine Titanium Alloy Blades
Received:December 01, 2015  Revised:April 20, 2016
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KeyWord:titanium alloy  fan blade  compressor blade  residual stress  X-ray diffraction analysis  shot peening
ZHANG Cai-zhen Xi'an Aero-engine PLC, Xi'an , China
YANG Jian Xi'an Aero-engine PLC, Xi'an , China
WEI Lei Xi'an Aero-engine PLC, Xi'an , China
LI Yue-hui Xi'an Aero-engine PLC, Xi'an , China
LYU Jian-xun Xi'an Aero-engine PLC, Xi'an , China
CHEN Lin-hong Xi'an Aero-engine PLC, Xi'an , China
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      Objective The residual stress field of aeroengine titanium alloy blades was studied, and the residual stress distribution of blades after shot peening and after use was mastered, in order to provide a basis for evaluating the safety and reliability of the blades, and to provide data support for predicting the residual life of the blades. Methods The surface residual stress field after shot peening, the residual stress distribution along the deep layer, and the residual stress of aeroengine fan blades and compressor blades after use were studied using X-ray diffraction technology. Results After shot peening, about 90% of residual stress of the fan blades was distributed in the range of -600 ~ -800 MPa, and the average residual stress value was about -682 MPa. About 90% of residual stress distribution of the compressor blades was distributed in the range of -500 ~ -700 MPa, and the average residual stress was about -603 MPa. After shot peening, the surface residual stress of the fan blade and compressor blade was about -610 MPa, and there was a maximum residual stress in the subsurface layer, the values were -739 MPa at 11μm and -683 MPa at 13 μm, respectively, and then the residual stress decreased gradually with increasing depth. The residual stress distribution of the fan blades was -460 ~ -720 MPa after using for 300 hours, and -430 ~ -700 MPa after using for 600 hours. The residual stress distribution of the compressor blades was -470 ~ -670 MPa after using for 300 hours, and -360 ~ -620 MPa after using for 600 hours. Conclusion The residual compressive stress of Titanium alloy blade after shot peening first decreased and then increased with the increase of the layer depth, and the depth of the residual stress field was about 50 μm. The residual stress of titanium alloy blade after use showed an attenuation trend, and the residual compressive stress attenuation increased gradually with the increase of using time.