YUAN Mei-hua,GU Xu-peng,XIA You-yi,CHANG Xing-long.Study on Film-forming Property and Electrical Conductivity of Polyaniline and other Film Former[J],(6):115-117,127
Study on Film-forming Property and Electrical Conductivity of Polyaniline and other Film Former
Received:June 26, 2012  Revised:December 20, 2012
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KeyWord:polyaniline  film forming  electrical conductivity
YUAN Mei-hua Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan , China
GU Xu-peng Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan , China
XIA You-yi Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan , China
CHANG Xing-long Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan , China
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      The cationic styrene-acrylic emulsion, waterborne epoxy emulsion and urea resin were compounded with each other and then the composite emulsion were mixed with polyaniline emulsion. The type and concentration of film former and the ratio of composite emulsion to polyaniline emulsion and their influences on the film-forming property and electrical conductivity were investigated. The results show that excellent film can be obtained when mass ratio of cationic styrene-acrylic and water-borne epoxy composite emulsion to polyaniline emulsion is 4 颐3 and maximum electrical conductivity can reach 0. 004 51 S/ cm