QIU Wei,LIU Jian-xiang,ZENG Shu,ZHANG Bo,Feng Li-jun.Preparation and Anti-icing Properties of Superhydrophobic Coating[J],(6):108-110
Preparation and Anti-icing Properties of Superhydrophobic Coating
Received:September 06, 2012  Revised:December 20, 2012
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KeyWord:superhydrophobic  icing  contact angle  microstructure
QIU Wei Guizhou Institute of Metallurgy and Chemical Engineering, Guiyang , China
LIU Jian-xiang Guizhou Institute of Metallurgy and Chemical Engineering, Guiyang , China
ZENG Shu Guizhou Institute of Metallurgy and Chemical Engineering, Guiyang , China
ZHANG Bo Guizhou Nanomaterials Engineering Center, Guiyang , China
Feng Li-jun No. 59 Institute of China Ordance Industry, Chongqing , China
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      Based on the technique of RTV, the superhydrophobic coating was prepared at room temperature by using hydroxyl-terminated polydimethylsiloxane as the film-forming resin which combined nanometer silicon dioxide with different size.The morphology of coating surface was characterized and the hydrophobic performance was analyzed. The results indicate that there is a micro-nano binary structure similar lotus leaves on coating surface, which can make the highest static state contact angle of 165°and the lowest slide angle of 3. 8°between coating surface and water droplet. It is found via icing test that the super-dydrophobic coating made via this method has obvious anti-icing effect due to it can delay the growth rate of icing process during the early period.