ZHANG Wei-dong,WANG Yu-qin,HE Zhi-rong,PAN Shu-en,LIU Jie-heng.Research on Microetchant for High Density Printed Circuit Board[J],(6):72-74
Research on Microetchant for High Density Printed Circuit Board
Received:June 29, 2012  Revised:December 20, 2012
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KeyWord:high density printed circuit board  microetchant  formulation
ZHANG Wei-dong Testing Technology, Chinese National Analytical Center, Guangzhou, China
WANG Yu-qin Testing Technology, Chinese National Analytical Center, Guangzhou, China
HE Zhi-rong Testing Technology, Chinese National Analytical Center, Guangzhou, China
PAN Shu-en Testing Technology, Chinese National Analytical Center, Guangzhou, China
LIU Jie-heng Testing Technology, Chinese National Analytical Center, Guangzhou, China
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      A new microetchant and formulation for high density printed circuit board were developed. Based on the stability, etching rate of the microetchant, the surface brightness and roughness after etching, the microetchant was mainly consist of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide. The amount of cleaning agents, brighteners, organic solvents, stabilizers and the reaction temperature were also determined. It can make the surface of the circuit board bright and rough. The affinity of metal surface and dry film can be improved. The rate of etching was high, stable and controlled and it can be used on PCB large scale production.