ZHANG Jing-yao,TAN Yu.Study on Tribological Property of the Ni-P Nanocrystalline Coating[J],(5):41-43
Study on Tribological Property of the Ni-P Nanocrystalline Coating
Received:May 03, 2012  Revised:October 20, 2012
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KeyWord:nanocrystalline coating  tribological property  organize structure  stress-off annealing
ZHANG Jing-yao Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou , China
TAN Yu Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou , China
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      The two coatings of Ni-P amorphous and nanocrystalline structure were obtained by electroless plating. Moreover the as-deposited coatings were treated with stress-off annealing of low temperature. The composition and structure of the coatings were analyzed. Effects of anneal process and coating organize structure on tribological property of coating, as well as its inner mechanism, were studied. The result shows that the tribological property of Ni-P nanocrystalline coating is superior to that of amorphous one at the same condition(only changing the complex agent in the bath),and different wear mechanism between the two coatings is discovered too. The excellent friction and wear alleviation coating with higher micro-hardness is obtained owing to the proper anneal process.