SUNF eng-mei,ZHANG Xu-hai,XU Sui-chun.Preparation of Copper Nano-graphite Composites by Electrodeposition and Study on Their Properties[J],(5):34-37
Preparation of Copper Nano-graphite Composites by Electrodeposition and Study on Their Properties
Received:May 02, 2012  Revised:October 20, 2012
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KeyWord:composite electrodeposition  copper nano-graphite  morphology  friction and wear
SUNF eng-mei School of Material Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing , China
ZHANG Xu-hai School of Material Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing , China
XU Sui-chun Department of Micro-electronics Engineering, Nanjing College of Information Technology, Nanjing , China
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      Copper nano-graphite composite materials were prepared by electrodeposition in an acidic copper sulfate solution. Morphology of the surface coating was observed. The hardness and friction and wear properties were tested. Experimental results show that the composite materials have good friction and wear properties and the costs are lower when the addition of nano-graphite is 7~10 g/L.