JIANG Hong-hui,GU Zhao-zhan,YU Fu-qiang,HUANG Shu-ke,YU Shuang,TIAN Hua.Preparation and Absorption Properties of Fabric Made of Functional Fiber[J],39(5):72-76
Preparation and Absorption Properties of Fabric Made of Functional Fiber
Received:April 17, 2010  Revised:October 10, 2010
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KeyWord:functional fiber  gridding tabby fabric  nonwoven fabric  absorption property
JIANG Hong-hui Information Technology Department, Bengbu Navy Petty Office Academy, Bengbu , China
GU Zhao-zhan Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing , China
YU Fu-qiang Information Technology Department, Bengbu Navy Petty Office Academy, Bengbu , China
HUANG Shu-ke Information Technology Department, Bengbu Navy Petty Office Academy, Bengbu , China
YU Shuang Information Technology Department, Bengbu Navy Petty Office Academy, Bengbu , China
TIAN Hua Information Technology Department, Bengbu Navy Petty Office Academy, Bengbu , China
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      Using different methods, four kinds of functional fiber fabrics were made by blending functional fiber and polyester. Absorption properties of four kinds of fabrics were discussed and compared in the frequency ranges 8~ 12 GHz and 26.5~ 40 GHz. The results show that the absorption properties of the basketries which were made of function- al fiber 3 are the best with the same content of functional fiber.When the content of functional fiber 3 is 4%,in the fre- quency range 8~ 12 GHz the reflectivity is below- 18 dB and the maximal reflectivity loss is- 21 dB. In the frequency range 26.5~ 40 GHz the reflectivity is below- 19 dB and the maximal reflectivity loss is- 26 dB.