YAN Yi-wen,LI Zhao-kang,ZOU Meng-yu.Sn Whisker Growth Mechanism in the Electroplating Matte Sn System[J],39(3):19-22
Sn Whisker Growth Mechanism in the Electroplating Matte Sn System
Received:March 18, 2010  Revised:June 10, 2010
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KeyWord:matte Sn  Sn whisker  tensional stress  compression stress
YAN Yi-wen National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan 106
LI Zhao-kang National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan 106
ZOU Meng-yu National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan 106
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      Itinvestigated the Sn whisker growthin the matte Sn system under the various aging time and temperature meanwhile and systematically discussed its growth mechanism on the different shapes of the substrate. The result indicated that the tensional stress wasinduced in the convex region and the compression stress wasinduced in the concave region. Sn whisker growth was promoted by the compression stress in the concave side and was restrained by the tension stress in the convex side. According to the different heat-treatment conditions, the number and the length of the Sn whisker were decreased as increasing the aging temperature.