CHEN Yu-hua,LIU Ying.Present Status of Researclung on the Enameling ( Sprayed Porcelain) Pipe and Its Joining Technology[J],37(6):74-77
Present Status of Researclung on the Enameling ( Sprayed Porcelain) Pipe and Its Joining Technology
Received:July 27, 2008  Revised:December 10, 2008
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KeyWord:Enameling pipe  Sprayed porcelain pipe  Welding  Protect of welded joint
CHEN Yu-hua School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang , China
LIU Ying Library of Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang , China
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      Enameling coating has excellent corrosion-resistance, aging-resistance and long service life, and can be the succedaneum of organic coating. The present status of researching on the enameling ( sprayed porcelain) pipe and its joining technology are introduced. Russia takes the lead in applying enameling technology to pipe anticorrosion. The erosion resistance of enameling pipe is enhanced but the equipment is expensive, the procedure is complex, the production coefficient is low and the cost of enameling pipe is high. China applies thermal spraying to the production of enameling pipe and creates sprayed porcelain pipe. The procedure of sprayed porcelain pipe is simpler and the cost is lower than enameling pipe. Enameling coating on the welded joint of enameling pipe and sprayed porcelain pipe can be damaged and repaired mouth is needed. The methods of sacrifcial anode on inwall of welded joint, using integrated metallurgy treatment replacing internal repaired mouth after welding, using stainless steel technology joints, self-deposition of the enamel are developed to join enameling pipe( sprayed porcelain pipe) and solve the problem of repaired mouth.