DAI Bing,ZHANG Heng-hua,HUANG Bo,GAO Guo-qiang.Effect of DLC Surface Treatment on Wear Resistance of High Speed Steel[J],37(6):24-26
Effect of DLC Surface Treatment on Wear Resistance of High Speed Steel
Received:July 18, 2008  Revised:December 10, 2008
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KeyWord:Diamond-like carbon films  Coefficient of friction  Lubrication  Friction and wear characteristics
DAI Bing School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai , China
ZHANG Heng-hua School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai , China
HUANG Bo Shanghai Hitachi Electrical Appliances Co. , Ltd, Shanghai , China
GAO Guo-qiang Shanghai Hitachi Electrical Appliances Co. , Ltd, Shanghai , China
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      The wear resistance of metal parts can be obviously improved after DLC surface treatment, so the DLC film technology is becoming more of a concerned field in mechanical industry. The differences about friction characteristics between nonsurface-treated and surface-treated with DLC films on high speed steel were investigated under different conditions using MM-200 friction and wear tester. The wear resistance was evaluated by weight loss method. It is revealed from the results that surfaces treated with DLC films can greatly improve the wear resistance of high speed steel, no matter during conditions of various lubrication ( oil lubrication and dry friction) or different speeds ( low speed and high speed). The micrographs of the wear track were also studied by SEM and the mechanisms of wear were analyzed.