WANG Han-ying,CHEN Huan-ming,XU Jing,SUN An.Analysis of Depositing Stage of Electroless Ni-Cu-P Plating on NdFeB Permanene Magnets Materials[J],37(6):12-13,17
Analysis of Depositing Stage of Electroless Ni-Cu-P Plating on NdFeB Permanene Magnets Materials
Received:July 07, 2008  Revised:December 10, 2008
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KeyWord:Electroless plating  Ni-Cu-P alloy  Depositing stage  Preferably deposit  Non-crystal plating layer
WANG Han-ying 1. Department of Physics & Electrical Engineering of Yulin College, Yulin , China;2. School of Physics & Electrical Information Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan , China
CHEN Huan-ming School of Physics & Electrical Information Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan , China
XU Jing School of Physics & Electrical Information Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan , China
SUN An School of Physics & Electrical Information Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan , China
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      Observed the surface appearance of nickel copper phosphorus alloy depositing stage through SEM, the deposition model of Ni-Cu-P amorphous coatings during nucleation and growth was put forward. The result shows that there are obvious orientation of selecting the superior and disparities in the initial depositing stage. The reduced atoms cant directly, individually deposit on the surface of the matrix, they form atomic crystal at the interface between solidliquid first, then preferably deposit on the high energy region of the matrix surface, and the nuclei are formed and grow up along the matrix surface with irregular shape; during the latest stages, coatings morphology changes from irregular shape into regular nodules shape gradually with the P content increasing, resulting into the mirror-like amorphous alloy coatings formed.