LIU i-wei,SHANG Yao,ZHANG Yue-jie,XU Tao.Effect of Adjustment of the Pole Structure of low Temperature RF Plasma Discharge on Modification of Carbon Nanotube[J],36(5):12-14,23
Effect of Adjustment of the Pole Structure of low Temperature RF Plasma Discharge on Modification of Carbon Nanotube
Received:June 20, 2007  Revised:October 10, 2007
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KeyWord:Carbon nanotube  Low temperature plasma  Surface modification
LIU i-wei Institute of Chemical Mateirals of CAEP, Mianyang , China
SHANG Yao Teaching-research Section in No. 3 Department of Command and Engineering College of Chemical Defence, Beijing , China
ZHANG Yue-jie Institute of Chemical Mateirals of CAEP, Mianyang , China
XU Tao Institute of Chemical Mateirals of CAEP, Mianyang , China
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      The plsama modification of powder like material has been carried out by adding rotating cylinder in the vacuum vessel. RF plasma has been modified by means of different ways, such as changing the position of poles and varying the distance of two poles, the ability of being soaked by pure water of multiwall carbon nanotube pre-formed in shape of sheet on glass was investigated. As for as its powder form, the fluorine content was examined by method of XPS and IR. The RF plasma discharging condition paralleled that of the sheeted ones. Results reveals that the PMMC cylinder between two parallel disc poles deteriates the effectiveness of RF plasma modification. The negativeness can be cancelled only can two covers of the cylinde be acted as two poles for RF discharging. The powerful tendancy of aggregating is responsible for the low effectivness of powder modification. Only this problem is overcome can the RF plasma treatment lead to good result.