
Wei GAO ( )










The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Academic Membership

Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ)

Fellow of Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ)

Vice President, International Thin Film Association

Member of Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA), (1996-) 

Member of The Materials Research Society (MRS), US (1988-)

Member of TMS, US (1991-), AMS International, US (1991-)

Committee, Society of Materials New Zealand

Chairman, New Zealand Chinese Scientist Association

Education Experience

1988 Oxford University (Jesus College), Oxford, UK. D.Phil., Dept of Materials.

1981 Beijing Central Research Institute (BCISRI), China. M.E. Metallurgy and Materials Science.

1968 Northeastern University, Shenyang, China.  B.E, in Metallic Materials.

Work Experience

1992- current              The University of Auckland, New Zealand, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Assoc. Professor and Professor

1988-1992                 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), MA, USA – Postdoctoral Researcher, Principal Investigator, Director of Rapid Solidification Laboratory.

1986-1988                 Oxford University, Oxford, UK – UK Royal Society Visiting Fellow, UK Science & Engineering Research Council (SERC) Research Fellow.

1981-1985                 Chengdu University of Science & Technology, China - University Lecturer, Director of Corrosion Labs

1970-1978                 Chengdu Steel Inc., Sichuan, China - Engineer and Technical Director


2014, Shorland Medal, by New Zealand Scientists Association and RSNZ 

2008-2011, 2011-2014, 2014-2017, Advisory Committee, Distinguished Overseas Chinese (by Chinese State Department)

2013, RH Cooper Award (for outstanding contributions to NZ materials research)

2009, Distinguished Materials Scientist, Natural Science Foundation China 

2006-2009, James Cook Fellowship, the Royal Society NZ

2006 Hsun Lee Lecture Award, Chinese Academy of Science, China

2002 W. Mong Fellowship, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong

1998 Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore

1987-1988 SERC (UK) Research Fellowship

1986 The Royal Society (UK) Visiting Fellowship to Oxford University

Research Area

I am a Materials Scientist and Engineer. I have active research in the areas of Surface Science and Coating Technologies, Nano-Structured Materials, Light Metals (Mg, Ti, Al), Electronic Materials, Energy and Environmental Materials, Corrosion & Oxidation, Oxide Thin Films, Intermetallics, and Electron Microscopy & Microanalysis.

Selected Publication

(Total Journal Papers:425)

Wnag Y, Tay SL, Wei S, Xion C, Gao W, “Microstructure and properties of sol-enhanced Ni-Co-TiO2 nano-composite coatings on mild steel”, J of Alloys and Compounds, 649: 222-228

Shu X, Wang Y, Lu X, Lin C, Gao W, “Parameter optimisation for electroless Ni-W-P coatings”, Surface and Coating Technology, 276:195-201, 25 Aug 2015

Ghaziof S, Kilmatin PA, Gao W, “Electrochemical studies of sol-enhanced Zn-Ni-Al2O3 composite and Zn-Ni alloy coatings”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 755:63-70, 04 Aug 2015

Han J, Qiu W, Tiwari S, Bhargava R, Gao W, Xing B, “Consumer-grade polyurethane foam functions as a large and selective absorption sink for bisphenol A in aqueous media”, J. Materials Chemistry, A3(16): 8870-8881, 2015 

Junye DongRohan UllalJie Han, Shanghai WeiXin OuyangJunzhe Dong and Wei Gao, “Partially Crystallized TiO2 for Microwave Absorption”, J. Mater. Chem. A 3(10), 5285-5288, 2015

Shu X, Wang Y, Liu C, Aljaafari A, Gao W, “Double-layered Ni-P/Ni-P-ZrO2 electroless coatings on AZ31 magnesium alloy with improved corrosion resistance”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 261:161-166 2015

Xie M., Aw K., Gao, W.; “A multi-layered polydimethylsiloxane structure for application in low-excitaion, broadband and low frequency energy harvesting”, Sensors and Actuators A Physical 02/2015; 222:140-148

401. Wang Y, Shu X, Wei S, Liu C, Gao W, Shakoor RA, Kahraman R, “Duplex Ni–P–ZrO2/Ni–P electroless coating on stainless steel”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 630:189-194 Article number C May 2015

Junye Dong, Jie Han, Yangsi Liu, Akira Nakajima, Sachiko Matsushita, Shanghai Wei, and Wei Gao; “Defective Black TiO2 Synthesized via Anodization for Visible-Light Photocatalysis”, Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6(3): Feb 2014, 1385-1388

Junye Dong, Xin Ouyang, Jie Han, Wei Qiu, Wei Gao; “Superhydrophobic surface of TiO2 hierarchical nanostructures fabricated by Ti anodization”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol 420, 15 April 2014, Pages 97–100

Junye Dong, Jie Han, Xin Ouyang, Wei Gao, “How voltage dictates anodic TiO2 formation”, Scripta Materialia, 26 Sep 2014, DOI: 10.1016/2014.09.011

J. Han, S. Meng, Y. Dong, J.Y. Hu, W. Gao, “Capturing hormones and bisphenol A from water via sustained hydrogen bond driven sorption in polyamide microfiltration membranes”. Water Research 47, 193-208, 2013

J. Han, W. Qiu, S. Meng, W. Gao, Removal of ethinylestradiol (EE2) from water via adsorption on aliphatic polyamides. Water Research 46, 5715-5741, 2012.

J. Han, W. Qiu, J. Hu and W. Gao, “Chemisorption of estrone in nylon microfiltration membrane: Adsorption mechanism and potential use for estrone removal from water”, Water Research, 46, 873-881, (2012)

Han J, Liu Y, Gao W, Singhal N, Wang L, “Comparative photocatalytic degradation of estrone in water by ZnO and TiO under artificial UVA and solar irradiation”, Chemical Engineering Journal 213:150-162 01 Dec 2012.

Mengying Xie, Ken C. Aw and Wei Gao, “Negative differential resistance of metal-insulator-metal device with gold nanoparticles embedded in polydimethylsiloxane”, Solid State Communications, Online 27-2-2012

Weiwei Chen, Wei Gao, “Synthesis of Nanostructured Ni–TiO2 Composite Coatings by Sol-Enhanced Electroplating”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 157(8)E122-128 (2010)

Ruiqun Chen, Chongwen Zou, Jiming Bian, Adarsh Sandhu and Wei Gao, “Microstructure and optical properties of Ag-doped ZnO nanostructures prepared by a wet oxidation doping process”, Nanotechnology, Vol.22 (2011), 105706

C.W. Zou, X.D. Yan, R.Q. Chen, Z.Y. Wu, A. Alyamani, and W. Gao, “Effect of annealing on the microstructures and optical properties of ZnO/V2O5 composite”, Applied Physics Letters, 98, 111904 (2011).

W.W. Chen and W. Gao. Sol-enhanced electroplating of nanostructured Ni-TiO2 composite coatings – The effects of sol concentration on the mechanical and corrosion properties. Electrochimica Acta, 2010. 55(22): p. 6865-6871.

W. Gao, Z. Li, “Nano-Structures of ZnO“, Int. J. Nanotech., V.6, No.3/4(2009), 245

W. Gao and Z.W. Li, “High Temperature Oxidation as a Production Route for Electronic Materials”, J Chinese Soc for Corrosion & Protection, Vol. 29, 2009, 248

C.W. Zou, X.D. Yan, R. Q. Chen, W. Gao and J. Metson, Study of a nitrogen-doped ZnO film with synchrotron radiation, Appl. Phys. Lett., 94(2009) 171903

C.W. Zou, X.D. Yan, R.Q. Chen and W. Gao, Preparation & photoluminescence of TiO2/ZnO bottlebrush Nanowires structures, Chem. Phys. Lett., 476(2009)84

N. Tjitra Salim, K.C. Aw, W. Gao and B. Wright, “ZnO as a Dielectric for Optically Transparent Non-Volatile Memory, Thin Solid Films, 518 (2009) 362-365

Jie Han and Wei Gao, “Surface Wettability of Nanostructured Zinc Oxide Films” in Journal of Electronic Materials: Volume 38, Issue 4 (2009), 601-608

X-D. Yan, Z-W. Li, R. Chen and W. Gao, “Template Growth of ZnO Nanorods and Microrods with Controlled Densities”, Crystal Growth & Design, V.8-7, (2008) 2406

S. Li, Z.W. Li, Y.Y. Tan, J. Armellin and W. Gao, “Growth and Photonic Behaviors of Nanoporous ZnO Microcheerios”, Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 8-5, (2008) 1623 

Wei Gao and Zhengwei Li, “Photoluminescence properties of ZnO films grown by wet oxidation: Effect of processing”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 449 (2008) 202

Z.W. Li and W. Gao, “Growth of zinc oxide thin films and nanostructures by wet oxidation”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515, Issues 7-8 (2007) 3323-3329

W. Gao and Z. Li, “Wet Oxidation: A Promising Way for Fabrication of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures”, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 522-523 (2006) 277-284 

Wei Gao and Zhengwei Li, “ZnO thin films produced by magnetron sputtering”, Ceramics International, 30 (2004) 1155-1159

W. Gao, Z. Li, R. Harikisun and S-S. Chang, “Zinc Oxide Films Formed by Oxidation of Zinc under Low Partial Pressure of Oxygen”, Materials Letters, 57 (2003) 1435

W. Gao, Z. Liu and Z. Li, “Nano- and Micro-crystal Coatings and Their High-Temperature Applications”, Advanced Materials, 13, No.13, 2001, 1001-1004

Cooper, W. Gao, S. Li, H. Liu and S. Dou, “Intrinsic Deformation behaviour in Pressed Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Tapes”, Supercon Sci and Tech, 14, 2001, 862-870

S. Li, W. Gao and H. Cooper, "The Effect of Mechanical Deformation on the Phase Transformation of BSCCO Superconductors", Physica C 356 (3), 2001, 197-204

Z. Liu, W. Gao, K. Dahm, and F. Wang, “Oxidation Behaviour of Sputter-Deposited Ni-Cr-Al Micro-Crystalline Coatings”, Acta Metallurgica/Materialia, 46(1998) 1691

S. Li, W. Gao, Q. Hu, H. Liu and S. Dou, "The Fracture Behaviour of Bi2223 Superconductor Polycrystals Clad with Silver Sheets”, Physica C 295(1998) 64-74

S. Li, W. Gao, Q. Hu and S. Dou, "The Effect of Silver Sheath on Annealing Texture of BSCCO Superconducting Tapes”, Physica C 276 (1997) 229-236

S. Li and W. Gao, "The Effect of Annealing and Mechanical Deformation on the Grain Alignment of BSCCO Superconductors", Physica C 275 (1997) 259-265

W. Gao and J. Vander Sande, Magnetic Field Dependence of Jc of Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O/Ag Superconducting Microcomposites, Physica C, 192 (1992) 173-180

W. Gao and J. V. Sande, Increasing Critical Current Density of BSCCO/Ag Supercon Microcomposites by Mechanical Deformation, Phys C, 181(1991) 105

W. Gao, D. Rudman and J. Vander Sande, A Metallurgical Approach to High Temperature Superconducting Microcomposites, J. of Metals (JOM) (6/1990) 19-23

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