张奔驰,蔡飞,斯松华,薛海鹏,张世宏.不同子层厚度比AlCrBN/AlTiN多层涂层高速干式切削性能研究[J].表面技术,2024,53(24):144-153, 215.
ZHANG Benchi,CAI Fei,SI Songhua,XUE Haipeng,ZHANG Shihong.High-speed Dry Cutting Performance of AlCrBN/AlTiN Multilayer Coatings with Various Thickness Ratios of Sublayers[J].Surface Technology,2024,53(24):144-153, 215
High-speed Dry Cutting Performance of AlCrBN/AlTiN Multilayer Coatings with Various Thickness Ratios of Sublayers
投稿时间:2024-03-01  修订日期:2024-07-16
中文关键词:  AlCrBN涂层  多层涂层  摩擦磨损  高速干式切削
英文关键词:AlCrBN coating  multilayer coating  friction and wear  high-speed dry cutting
张奔驰 安徽工业大学 先进金属材料绿色制备与表面技术教育部重点实验室 安徽 马鞍山 243000;安徽工业大学 材料科学与工程学院,安徽 马鞍山 243000 
蔡飞 安徽工业大学 先进金属材料绿色制备与表面技术教育部重点实验室 安徽 马鞍山 243000 
斯松华 安徽工业大学 材料科学与工程学院,安徽 马鞍山 243000 
薛海鹏 安徽工业大学 先进金属材料绿色制备与表面技术教育部重点实验室 安徽 马鞍山 243000;安徽工业大学 材料科学与工程学院,安徽 马鞍山 243000 
张世宏 安徽工业大学 先进金属材料绿色制备与表面技术教育部重点实验室 安徽 马鞍山 243000 
ZHANG Benchi Key Laboratory of Green Preparation and Surface Technology of Advanced Metal Materials, Ministry of Education,Anhui Maanshan 243000, China ;School of Materials Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Anhui Maanshan 243000, China 
CAI Fei Key Laboratory of Green Preparation and Surface Technology of Advanced Metal Materials, Ministry of Education,Anhui Maanshan 243000, China 
SI Songhua School of Materials Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Anhui Maanshan 243000, China 
XUE Haipeng Key Laboratory of Green Preparation and Surface Technology of Advanced Metal Materials, Ministry of Education,Anhui Maanshan 243000, China ;School of Materials Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Anhui Maanshan 243000, China 
ZHANG Shihong Key Laboratory of Green Preparation and Surface Technology of Advanced Metal Materials, Ministry of Education,Anhui Maanshan 243000, China 
      目的 通过改变AlCrBN/AlTiN多层涂层的子层厚度比,提高AlCrBN/AlTiN多层涂层的高速干式切削加工钛合金性能。方法 使用电弧离子镀技术制备了不同子层厚度比(AlCrBN子层/AlTiN子层)的AlCrBN/AlTiN多层涂层。采用XRD衍射仪、扫描电镜(SEM)、显微硬度计和洛氏压痕仪对涂层的组织结构和力学性能进行表征,采用高温真空退火炉、摩擦磨损试验机、数控车床等研究多层涂层的高温稳定性、摩擦磨损性能和高速干式车削性能,并对多层高速干式切削加工钛合金的磨损行为进行了详细研究。结果 涂层相组成为fcc-(Cr,Al)N和fcc-(Ti,Al)N,涂层组织随着子层厚度比的增加更加致密,涂层硬度和结合强度则随着子层厚度比的增加先升高后降低,其中当AlCrBN子层/AlTiN子层厚度比为2∶1时,涂层表现出最高的显微硬度(4 470HK0.05±144HK0.05)和良好的结合强度(HF 1),以及优异的摩擦磨损性能(摩擦因数为0.56,磨损率为0.21×1015 m3/(N.m))。在不同切削条件(100 m/min和150 m/min)下,涂层高速干式切削性能随着子层厚度比的增加呈现先升高后降低的趋势。其中当子层厚度比为2∶1时,涂层的车削性能最佳(100 m/min时切削寿命为14 min,150 m/min时切削寿命为280 s),切削过程中的磨损机理为黏结磨损和氧化磨损。结论 通过调控AlCrBN/AlTiN多层涂层的子层厚度比,可以显著提高AlCrBN/AlTiN多层涂层的摩擦磨损和高速干式切削加工钛合金性能。
      Multi-arc ion plating is currently the most widely used physical vapor deposition method in the industry because of its high deposition rate, good film-substrate adhesion, and dense microstructure. The AlCrBN/AlTiN multilayer coatings with different thickness ratios of sublayers were prepared by arc ion plating and the effects of different thickness ratios on phase, hardness, wear resistance, and cutting performance were studied. YG8 cemented carbide inserts (16 mm×16 mm×6 mm) and YG8 cemented carbide sheet (50 mm×10 mm×1 mm) were used as substrate for the preparation of AlCrBN/AlTiN multilayer coatings by applying a new ion source-column arc-multi-arc coating equipment. The coating equipment consisted of the vacuum system, control system, and power supply system. The vacuum system consisted of a mechanical pump, a Roots pump, and a molecular pump, and the vacuum level could reach 1×10−5 Pa. The control system consisted of a PLC program, which was used for programming and controlling the process during the deposition. The vacuum chamber contained a cylindrical Ti target (ϕ100 mm×850 mm) and four arc targets (ϕ160 mm×15 mm), and there was a speed-adjustable turntable in the vacuum chamber for placing the samples to be deposited. The coating process consisted of four steps:heating, glow discharge, ion etching, and coating. The heating in the coating process was to remove the water vapor in the furnace and make the surface of the workpiece active. Glow discharge was to ionize Ar+ ions to further remove water vapor from the furnace. Ion etching was used to clean the target and workpiece surface. The field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM, MIRA3 XMU, TESCAN, Czechia) was used to observe the cross-sectional morphology. The phase composition of the coating was determined with an X-ray diffractometer with a scanning speed and angle range of 10 (°)/min and 30° to 70°, respectively. Micro Vickers hardness tester was utilized and the multilayer structure of the coating cross-section was observed by a ball-crater tester. The ball-disc friction tester (UMT Tribolab, BRUKER, USA) was used to perform reciprocating cyclic sliding of alumina balls (Al2O3). Dry cutting performance test was conducted to coatings without lubrication by TAIWAN TAKISAWA LA-150 lathe.
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