LIU Bing,LIU Xu,DENG Kuan-hai,LIN Yuan-hua,ZHOU Nian-tao,MEI Zong-bin,LI Shuang-gui.Erosion Mechanism of 30CrMo Steel Impacted by High Speed Solid Particles[J].Surface Technology,2023,52(9):135-145
Erosion Mechanism of 30CrMo Steel Impacted by High Speed Solid Particles
投稿时间:2022-10-25  修订日期:2023-08-11
中文关键词:  冲蚀磨损  30CrMo  冲蚀试验  气固两相流  冲蚀速率方程  冲蚀机理
英文关键词:erosion wear  30CrMo  erosion experiment  gas-solid flow  erosion rate equation  erosion mechanism
刘冰 西南石油大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都 610500 
刘旭 四川省天然气管道投资有限责任公司,成都 610084 
邓宽海 西南石油大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都 610500 
林元华 西南石油大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都 610500 ;西南石油大学 新能源与材料学院,成都 610500 
周念涛 西南石油大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都 610500 
梅宗斌 四川华宇钻采装备有限公司,四川 泸州 646000 
李双贵 中国石化西北油田分公司石油工程技术研究院,乌鲁木齐 830011 
LIU Bing State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Chengdu 610500, China 
LIU Xu Sichuan Natural Gas Investment Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610084, China 
DENG Kuan-hai State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Chengdu 610500, China 
LIN Yuan-hua State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Chengdu 610500, China ;School of New Energy and Materials, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China 
ZHOU Nian-tao State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Chengdu 610500, China 
MEI Zong-bin Sichuan Hwayoo Petroleum Drilling & Production Co., Ltd., Sichuan Luzhou 646000, China 
LI Shuang-gui Sinopec Northwest Petr Bur Engn Technol Res Inst, Urumqi 830011, China 
      目的 随着中国西北部地区油气勘探开发难度不断增加,钻井井控装置的节流管汇面临日益严重的高速颗粒冲蚀磨损问题,为有效支撑节流管汇的冲蚀预测、结构优化以及防冲蚀措施制定等工作的开展。 方法 依据标准ASTM-G76,采用气-固喷嘴冲蚀试验法,使用空气射流冲蚀试验机,开展了节流管汇材料30CrMo钢的冲蚀试验,并利用三维显微镜、扫描电镜(SEM)等设备,对试验结果进行了失重分析、三维轮廓分析和微观形貌分析。结果 冲蚀速率随冲击角(15°~90°)增加而减小,随颗粒冲击速度(107~149 m/s)增加而增大;冲蚀面积随冲击角增加而减小,几乎不随颗粒冲击速度变化;冲蚀深度随冲击角增加而先增大后减小(在60°冲击角附近最大),随颗粒冲击速度增加而增大;30CrMo钢的冲蚀机制受冲击角影响,不受颗粒冲击速度影响;在低冲击角(15°、30°)下以犁削机制为主,在中等冲击角(45°)下以犁削、压实与开裂的混合机制为主,在高冲击角(60°、90°)下则以压实与开裂机制为主。结论 高速固体颗粒冲击下30CrMo钢的材料移除过程为典型的塑性材料冲蚀行为;冲击角通过冲蚀机制影响冲蚀速率,颗粒冲击速度通过颗粒冲击能量影响冲蚀速率;建立了30CrMo钢的冲蚀速率方程,可直接用于材料抗冲蚀性能的横向对比或冲蚀CFD模型建立及仿真模拟;提升材料耐冲蚀性能及降低磨料质量分布密度可以减小冲蚀深度。
      With the increasing difficulty of oil & gas exploration and development in Northwest China, the choke manifold of drilling well control device is facing an increasingly serious problem of high-speed particle erosion. In order to predict the erosion rate of choke manifold and put forward protective measures, it is necessary to clarify the erosion behavior of its material 30CrMo steel. On the basis of ASTM-G76 standard, the erosion experiment of 30CrMo steel is conducted by using the air jet erosion tester. The nozzle diameter of the tester is 1.5 mm, and the nozzle is 10 mm away from the sample surface. The erosive agent is angular alumina particles with median particle size of about 50 μm. The particle mass flow rate in all tests is equal to 1.55 g/min (measured value). The impact velocity of particles is measured by the double disk method. Then the weight loss analysis, three-dimensional profile analysis and microscopic morphology analysis of the experimental results are carried out in proper sequence by using three-dimensional microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and other equipments. The results of weight loss analysis show that the erosion rate decreases with the increase of impact angle (15°-90°), and increases with the increase of impact velocity (107-149 m/s ). The erosion rate equation of 30CrMo steel is established by using these experimental data. The results of 3D profile analysis show that the erosion area decreases with the increase of impact angle, and remains unchanged with the increase of impact velocity. The particles ejected by the nozzle have a small radial diffusion phenomenon. The erosion depth first increases and then decreases with the increase of impact angle (maximum at 60° impact angle), and increases with the increase of impact velocity. The factors affecting the erosion area are the impact angle and nozzle cross-sectional area, and the factors affecting the erosion depth are the erosion rate (material erosion characteristics) and the abrasive mass distribution density. The mechanism analysis shows that the ploughing mechanism is dominant for 30CrMo steel at low impact angle (15°, 30°); The mixing mechanism of ploughing, compaction and cracking is dominant at medium impact angle (45°), and the compaction and cracking mechanism is dominant at high impact angle (60°, 90°). The erosion mechanism is obviously different under different impact angles, and the erosion mechanism presents a regular transition phenomenon with the increase of impact angle. In addition, the erosion mechanism is not affected by the impact velocity. To sum up, the material removal mechanism of 30CrMo steel impacted by high speed solid particles is typical plastic material erosion behavior. The impact angle affects the erosion rate through erosion mechanism, and the impact velocity affects the erosion rate through particle impact energy. The erosion rate equation of 30CrMo steel is established, which can be directly used for the lateral comparison of erosion resistance of materials or the establishment and simulation of erosion CFD model. The erosion depth can be reduced by improving the erosion resistance of materials or reducing the abrasive mass distribution density.
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