ZHAO Hui-jun,DU Peng-yu,DONG Liang,DU Yan-xia,SONG Lin-lin.Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Grounding Resistance of Cathodic Protection Coupons[J].Surface Technology,2020,49(1):262-268
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Grounding Resistance of Cathodic Protection Coupons
投稿时间:2019-07-11  修订日期:2020-01-20
中文关键词:  阴极保护  检查片  结构  接地电阻  边界元
英文关键词:cathodic protection  coupon  geometry  grounding resistance  boundary element
赵会军 1.常州大学 a.江苏省油气储运技术重点实验室 b.石油工程学院,江苏 常州 213164 
杜鹏宇 1.常州大学 a.江苏省油气储运技术重点实验室 b.石油工程学院,江苏 常州 213164 
董亮 1.常州大学 a.江苏省油气储运技术重点实验室 b.石油工程学院,江苏 常州 213164 
杜艳霞 2.北京科技大学,北京 100083 
宋琳琳 1.常州大学 a.江苏省油气储运技术重点实验室 b.石油工程学院,江苏 常州 213164 
ZHAO Hui-jun 1.a.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation Technology, b. School of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China 
DU Peng-yu 1.a.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation Technology, b. School of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China 
DONG Liang 1.a.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation Technology, b. School of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China 
DU Yan-xia 2.University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
SONG Lin-lin 1.a.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation Technology, b. School of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China 
      目的 研究阴极保护检查片结构及埋设方式对其接地电阻的影响。方法 基于边界元平台建立常用检查片的边界元模型,从检查片形状、裸露面积、壳体大小、埋深和土壤电阻率等方面探讨其对检查片接地电阻的影响及规律,计算了检查片接地电阻在检查片对地总电阻中的比重,并将检查片接地电阻的实验值与边界元模拟结果进行对比。结果 随着极化电位负移,检查片接地电阻所占比重增大,最大接近95%。检查片裸露面积从6.5 cm2增加至50 cm2,其接地电阻降低约1/2。同一裸露面积下,圆形检查片接地电阻最大,长方形的最小,两者相差1.7倍左右。当壳体面积为检查片7倍等效圆直径面积时,接地电阻接近最大值,检查片接地电阻随土壤电阻率增大而成倍增加。在单一土壤环境中,检查片埋深在0.2 m以下时,接地电阻变化小于2%。在边界元模拟结果中,0.2 m埋深处,6.5 cm2圆形检查片接地电阻模拟值比实验值小1.4%,6.5 cm2棒状检查片接地电阻模拟值比实验值小6.3%。结论 接地电阻的实验结果与边界元模拟结果具有较好的一致性,模型合理。
      The work aims to study the influence of structure and embedding method of cathodic protection coupons on its grounding resistances. The common boundary element of coupons was established based on boundary element platform. The influence and influence laws of the shape, exposed area, shell size, buried depth and soil resistivity on grounding resistances of coupons were discussed. Meanwhile, the proportion of grounding resistance in the total resistance of coupon to earth was calculated and then compared with the simulation results of boundary element. The proportion of grounding resistance in total resistance of the coupon to earth increased with more negative polarization potential, and the maximum proportion was close to 95%. The grounding resistance decreased by about 2 times with the exposed area of coupons increasing from 6.5 cm2 to 50 cm2. Under the same exposed area, the circular coupons had the largest grounding resistance and the rectangle coupons had the smallest grounding resistance, and the difference between the two was about 1.7 times. When the shell area increased to 7 times of the area of coupon, the grounding resistance approached the maximum value. The grounding resistance of coupons increased linearly with the increase of soil resistivity. For single layer soil environment, the change of grounding resistance of coupons was less than 2% with buried depth below 0.2 m. In the boundary element simulation results, the calculated grounding resistance of circular coupon with area of 6.5 cm2 and buried depth of 0.2 m was 1.4% smaller than the test result, and the simulated value of the columnar coupon with area of 6.5 cm2 was 6.3% smaller than the experimental value. The experimental results of grounding resistance are in good agreement with the boundary element simulation results, and the model is reasonable.
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