WANG Zhi-qiang,WANG Ya-jun.Investigation on the Reason of the Corrosion to the Chrome-plating Anode with the Coating of Tin-Iead Alloy[J].Surface Technology,2007,36(2):78-79
Investigation on the Reason of the Corrosion to the Chrome-plating Anode with the Coating of Tin-Iead Alloy
投稿时间:2006-12-29  修订日期:2007-04-10
中文关键词:  铅锡合金  镀铬阳极  甲基磺酸盐  电镀  腐蚀速度  霍尔槽试验
英文关键词:Tin-lead alloy  Anode for chrome-plating  Methyl-sulfonic salt  Electroplating  Etching velocity  Hull Cell test
王志强 北方重工特种工艺厂,内蒙古包头014033 
王雅君 北方重工特种工艺厂,内蒙古包头014033 
WANG Zhi-qiang Special Process Plant, Norheinco, Baotou 014033, China 
WANG Ya-jun Special Process Plant, Norheinco, Baotou 014033, China 
      为了探明甲基磺酸盐电镀铅锡合金镀层作为镀铬阳极时腐蚀的原因,用A、B、C、D四种溶液(A溶液即现在生产中已使用过的旧溶液;B溶液即把A溶液调整至规范的溶液;C溶液即按照原工艺新配制成的溶液;D溶液即在新配制的溶液中加入0. 2g/L铜离子),分别在相同的电镀条件下通过霍尔槽进行对比试验,把四种溶液中所镀出的霍尔槽试片在同一条件下的镀铬溶液中进行腐蚀。研究结果表明:镀铅锡合金溶液中混入铜离子后,加速了铅锡镀层在镀铬溶液中的腐蚀速度,且随电流密度的减少呈下降趋势。试验证明:电流密度在0.2 -0. 5A/dmz之间时腐蚀速度最小。
      In order to clarify the reason of the corrosion to the chrome-plating anode with a coating of Tin-Iead alloy, which achieves from methyl-sulfonic salt deposit technique, the following 4 kinds of solution had been employed for the Hull Cell comparing test under the same electroplating condition( Solution A, which is the used bath stuff in current production line; Solution B, which is rectified to the processing specification on the basis of solution A; Solution C , which is a newly prepared solution in according with the original processing technique; Solution D, which achieves from solution C by adding of Cu2+ at amount of 0. 2g/l ) . After that, the Hull Cell samples have been achieved independently from above mentioned 4 kinds of plating stuff, then, to etch the samples in the chrome-plating solution under the same condition. Test results demonstrate that etching velocity of tin-lead coating has got accelerated in the chrome-plating stuff against the addition of Cu2+ , more over it get decreased with the reduction of electricity current density. Tests prove that etching velocity reaches its lowest limit in the case of the current density ranged from 0. 2 t0 0. 5.
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