GUO Rui,CHENG Min,YANG Jiang-yue,LI Huan-le,LIU Ai-yu.A Cinnamyl Imidazoline as Effective Inhibitor of N80 Steel in Hydrochloric Acid[J].Surface Technology,2017,46(1):182-186
A Cinnamyl Imidazoline as Effective Inhibitor of N80 Steel in Hydrochloric Acid
投稿时间:2016-06-23  修订日期:2017-01-20
中文关键词:  咪唑啉  溶剂法  碳钢  缓蚀剂  失重法  电化学方法
英文关键词:imidazoline  solvent method  mild steel  corrosion inhibitor  weight loss method  electrochemical method
郭睿 陕西科技大学 教育部轻化工助剂化学与技术重点实验室,西安 710021 
程敏 陕西科技大学 教育部轻化工助剂化学与技术重点实验室,西安 710021 
杨江月 陕西科技大学 教育部轻化工助剂化学与技术重点实验室,西安 710021 
李欢乐 陕西科技大学 教育部轻化工助剂化学与技术重点实验室,西安 710021 
刘爱玉 陕西科技大学 教育部轻化工助剂化学与技术重点实验室,西安 710021 
GUO Rui Key laboratory of Auxiliary Chemistry & Technology for Chemical Industry, Ministry of Education, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021, China 
CHENG Min Key laboratory of Auxiliary Chemistry & Technology for Chemical Industry, Ministry of Education, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021, China 
YANG Jiang-yue Key laboratory of Auxiliary Chemistry & Technology for Chemical Industry, Ministry of Education, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021, China 
LI Huan-le Key laboratory of Auxiliary Chemistry & Technology for Chemical Industry, Ministry of Education, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021, China 
LIU Ai-yu Key laboratory of Auxiliary Chemistry & Technology for Chemical Industry, Ministry of Education, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021, China 
      目的 研究肉桂酸咪唑啉缓蚀剂在酸性介质中对N80钢的缓蚀性能。方法 以肉桂酸和羟乙基乙二胺为原料,氧化铝为催化剂,采用溶剂法合成了肉桂酸咪唑啉化合物,利用紫外光谱和红外光谱等分析了产物的分子结构,利用静态失重法、动电位极化和交流阻抗等方法研究了咪唑啉缓蚀剂在盐酸介质中对N80钢的缓蚀性能,并对其缓蚀机理进行了初步探讨。结果 静态失重法结果表明,缓蚀效率与缓蚀剂的质量浓度有关,当产物的质量浓度达到400 mg/L时,缓蚀效率趋于平稳,可达86.9%。腐蚀速率随着温度的增加而增加,温度在30~50 ℃时,咪唑啉具有良好的缓蚀效率。极化曲线研究结果表明,该缓蚀剂是控制阳极反应为主的混合型缓蚀剂,作用类型是几何覆盖效应。交流阻抗研究结果表明,该缓蚀剂对碳钢在盐酸介质中的腐蚀有明显的抑制作用,缓蚀效率随着缓蚀剂的质量浓度的增大而增大。结论 肉桂酸咪唑啉是一种有效的缓蚀剂,能够明显抑制N80钢在盐酸介质中的腐蚀。
      The work aims to study the inhibition performance of cinnamyl imidazoline as inhibitor of N80 steel in hydrochloric acid. A cinnamyl imidazoline was synthesized using solvent method, with cinnamic acid and N-hydroxyethyl - ethylenediamine as raw materials and aluminum oxide as catalyst. The molecular structure of the product was characterized by means of UV spectrum and IR spectroscopy. Inhibition performance of the imidazoline corrosion inhibitor of N80 steel in hydrochloric acid was studied by virtue of static weight-loss measurement, polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and the corrosion inhibition mechanism was also discussed preliminarily. The results of weight-loss measurement indicated that inhibition efficiency of the investigated compound was found to depend on mass concentration of the inhibitor. The corrosion inhibition efficiency was stable and up to 86.9% as imidazoline mass concentration reached 400 mg/L. Corrosion rate increased with the increase of temperature, and the corrosion inhibitor had good inhibition efficiency when the temperature ranged from 30 ℃ to 50 ℃. The results of polarization curves indicated that the inhibitor was mixed-type inhibitor which worked to control anodic reaction with geometric blanketing effect. The analysis of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy implied that the inhibition efficiency increased with the increase of corrosion inhibitor mass concentration and suppressed corrosion of carbon steel in HCl medium significantly. Cinnamyl imidazoline is an effective corrosion inhibitor of N80 steel in HCl medium.
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