HE Bo-lin,DENG Hai-peng.Research Status and Development Trend of Surface Integrity[J].Surface Technology,2015,44(9):140-146,152
Research Status and Development Trend of Surface Integrity
投稿时间:2015-06-02  修订日期:2015-09-20
中文关键词:  表面完整性  表面状态  表面性能  加工工艺  表征模型
英文关键词:surface integrity  surface texture  surface properties  processing technique  description model
何柏林 华东交通大学 机电工程学院, 南昌 330013 
邓海鹏 华东交通大学 机电工程学院, 南昌 330013 
HE Bo-lin College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China 
DENG Hai-peng College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China 
      疲劳失效是金属结构失效的重要形式之一,提高零件疲劳性能可以有效增加结构使用寿命。 对于低周和高周疲劳,绝大多数疲劳裂纹萌生于零件表面。 因此,表面完整性对金属材料疲劳行为有重要影响。 简述了表面完整性的内涵,指出表面完整性不仅包括如粗糙度、波纹度、表面裂纹等的表面形貌特征,也包含如加工之后零件表面的残余应力、塑性变形、组织形貌等物理化学变化特征。 总结了表面完整性工艺的研究现状,说明机械铣削、电火花线切割、磨削、喷丸强化、光饰等加工工艺对表面完整性的影响。 综述了表面完整性表征模型的建立,指出各表面完整性特征参数对表面完整性影响的比重。 分析了国内表面完整性发展趋势,指出表面完整性工艺研究与表面完整性表征模型相互促进的作用,提出表面完整性工艺与表面完整性表征模型的交叉研究。 最后,对提高表面完整性及建立影响表面完整性的参数模型提出了建议。
      Fatigue failure is one of the important forms of metal structure failure. Improving the fatigue performance of parts can effectively increase the life of structure. For low and high cycle fatigue, the majority of the fatigue cracks are born on the surface of the parts. Therefore, the surface integrity has important influence on the fatigue behavior of metal materials. The connotation of surface integrity was briefly introduced in this review, pointing out that surface integrity does not only include the surface characteristics such as roughness, waviness and surface crack, but also the physical and chemical characteristics such as surface residual stress, plastic deformation and microstructure of the processed parts. The current research status of surface integrity process was summarized, showing the effects of mechanical milling, wire-electrode cutting, grinding, shot peening, and light decoration on the surface integrity. The building of description models for surface integrity was overviewed. The importance of every element to the surface integrity was pointed out. The domestic development trends of surface integrity were analyzed. It was pointed out that process technology of surface integrity and surface integrity characterization model promote each other, and interdisciplinary research on surface integrity process and surface integrity description model was proposed. Finally, suggestions were put forward to improve the surface integrity, and to establish the model of surface integrity.
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