NI Shi-wen.Method to Improve Coating Efficiency of Motorcycle Plastic Parts[J].Surface Technology,2015,44(9):29-35
Method to Improve Coating Efficiency of Motorcycle Plastic Parts
投稿时间:2015-06-27  修订日期:2015-09-20
中文关键词:  摩托车  塑料件  涂装  涂着效率  涂装设备
英文关键词:motorcycle  plastic parts  coating  coating efficiency  coating equipment
倪士文 重庆建设雅马哈摩托车有限公司, 重庆 400050 
NI Shi-wen Chongqing Jianshe Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd, Chongqing 400050, China 
      目的 提高摩托车 ABS 部品涂着效率,达到节约成本、降低环境负荷的效果。 方法 从涂装设备、涂装方法、涂装作业者等因素出发,采用低压空气喷涂、分业涂装方式、手工静电喷涂、自动涂装设备导入、增加单位涂装面积等方法,逐一验证提高涂着效率的效果。 结果 经过近几年的改善,与传统手工空气喷涂相比,低压空气喷涂配合分业涂装可以提高 ABS 部品涂着效率 5% ~ 10% ,静电喷枪配合空气喷枪可以提高 10% ~15% ,自动涂装机可以提高 20% ~25% 。 根据部品形状的差异,ABS 部品的综合平均涂着效率可以提高约 10% 。 结论 涂着效率受综合因素的影响,在作业者、喷涂设备、喷涂方法、挂装方式等方面进行改进,都可以提高涂着效率。 但是由于摩托车 ABS 部品的尺寸普遍存在差异,若单纯采用某一种改善方式,涂着效率的提高幅度不大。 从 QDC 综合因素考虑,针对面积大的部品,应采用手工静电喷枪配合低压空气喷涂的方式;针对面积小的部品,应采用增加挂装数量、提高喷涂面积配合低压空气喷枪等方式。
      Objective To study the method of improving the efficiency of the ABS part of the motorcycle, so as to save the cost and reduce the environmental load. Methods Based on the factors of coating equipment, coating method, coating operator, and the methods such as low-pressure air spray, collaborative coating method, manual electrostatic spraying, automatic coating equipment importation, and increasing unit area of coating, the efficiency improving effect was verified one by one. Results After improvement over the past years, compared with the traditional manual air spay, application of low-pressure air spray together with collaborative coating could improve the coating efficiency of ABS parts by 5% ~ 10% , while the application of electrostatic spray gun together with air spray gun could improve the efficiency by 10% ~15% , while the application of automatic painting machine could improve the efficiency by 20% ~25% . Considering the difference in the shape of the product, the comprehensive average of the coating efficiency improvement of the ABS product was about 10% . Conclusion The efficiency of the coating was affected by the comprehensive factors. Improvement from the aspects of operator, spraying equipment, spraying method, Hanger gesture etc, all could improve the coating efficiency. However, due to the differences in the size of the ABS part of the motorcycle, the efficiency enhancement was not obvious if only one improvement method was used. Based on the QDC integrated factors, for the parts with large area, manual electrostatic spray gun together with low-pressure air spray could be used; while for the parts with small size, methods such as increasing the number of hanging and increasing the spray area together with low-pressure air gun were recommended.
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