QIU Wei,LIU Jian-xiang,ZENG Shu,ZHANG Bo,Feng Li-jun.Preparation and Anti-icing Properties of Superhydrophobic Coating[J].Surface Technology,2012,(6):108-110
Preparation and Anti-icing Properties of Superhydrophobic Coating
投稿时间:2012-09-06  修订日期:2012-12-20
中文关键词:  超疏水  覆冰  接触角  微观结构
英文关键词:superhydrophobic  icing  contact angle  microstructure
基金项目:贵州省科技厅创新能力建设项目(黔科合院所创新能[2009]4001 号);贵州科学院青年基金(黔科院J 合字[2009]001 号)
仇伟 贵州省冶金化工研究所, 贵阳550002 
刘见祥 贵州省冶金化工研究所, 贵阳550002 
曾舒 贵州省冶金化工研究所, 贵阳550002 
张波 贵州省纳米材料工程中心, 贵阳550002 
冯利军 中国兵器工业第五九研究所, 重庆400039 
QIU Wei Guizhou Institute of Metallurgy and Chemical Engineering, Guiyang 550002, China 
LIU Jian-xiang Guizhou Institute of Metallurgy and Chemical Engineering, Guiyang 550002, China 
ZENG Shu Guizhou Institute of Metallurgy and Chemical Engineering, Guiyang 550002, China 
ZHANG Bo Guizhou Nanomaterials Engineering Center, Guiyang 550002, China 
Feng Li-jun No. 59 Institute of China Ordance Industry, Chongqing 400039, China 
      基于室温硫化硅橡胶(RTV)技术,以端羟基聚硅氧烷(107 硅橡胶)为成膜树脂,添加纳米二氧化硅粒子,在室温下制备出超疏水涂层,对其表面形貌和疏水性进行了表征和分析。结果表明,涂层表面具有类似荷叶的微米-纳米双重结构,其水滴静态接触角可达165°,滚动角仅为3. 8°。通过覆冰试验发现,超疏水涂层在初期阶段降低了覆冰的增长速率,具有明显的防覆冰效果。
      Based on the technique of RTV, the superhydrophobic coating was prepared at room temperature by using hydroxyl-terminated polydimethylsiloxane as the film-forming resin which combined nanometer silicon dioxide with different size.The morphology of coating surface was characterized and the hydrophobic performance was analyzed. The results indicate that there is a micro-nano binary structure similar lotus leaves on coating surface, which can make the highest static state contact angle of 165°and the lowest slide angle of 3. 8°between coating surface and water droplet. It is found via icing test that the super-dydrophobic coating made via this method has obvious anti-icing effect due to it can delay the growth rate of icing process during the early period.
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